Monday, November 7, 2011

Around the house

Sorry for my absence this past week. Evie had a cold & then an ear infection, and with all the time cooped up at home together I haven't felt very inspired!

Anyhoo, I've looked through our photos of the last couple of weeks & found a few to share.

Here's Evie dressed as a nurse (costume from our local toy library), she loved looking after Rog while he had a cold!

I've also done a bit of sewing lately;

These are pockets for two pairs of shorts for Evie, I'm pretty happy with them, I just have to make the rest of the shorts now!

Many pairs of breast pads, made from Evie's old flannelette wraps.


  1. AWH! Next time I'm sick I want Nurse Evie to bring me cookies and make me imaginary tea! xx

  2. She's got a little doctors kit so you get the whole works!


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