Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thoughts on a fresh year

Ok, now that we're three days into 2012 I've actually given it some thought!


Here's some things that I'm pleased about from 2011:

- Would you believe that my blog turned one on December 31st! I'm not known for finishing projects or persevering with things, so I'm very proud of this little blog!!

- I'm so happy about being pregnant & having our little boy in six weeks(!). We had some trouble getting pregnant with Evie, and again with this little baby, so I feel truly blessed!

- I'm so proud of myself for sewing more this past year & being creative.


Here's some things that I'm excited about for 2012:

- I want to keep up my blogging & creative mojo with the new baby. I know my energy levels aren't very good & I easily get exhausted. I really want to keep pushing through to keep up with the blog & to keep sewing & being creative as well, I'll feel much better for it! I really enjoyed completing '12 days of a camera Christmas' in December and I think a key to maintaining this blog will be to introduce some regular features to keep me in line. I'll put my thinking cap on about this, any ideas?

- I would like to take more risks & be more creative with my appearance. I really enjoy all the fashion & beauty inspiration that I find on blogs & Pinterest, but it doesn't come very naturally to me. Especially as I get my figure back after baby & feel a bit more like 'me' I'm looking forward to experimenting a bit!

- I've got a housework schedule that I'd like to keep up with (idea stolen from a friend!). Each weekday I've designated a different 'zone' of the house (ie, Mondays is Lounge Room). My aim is to keep the house clean & in order by doing a little everyday, fingers crossed, I'd really like this to become a natural habit.

- Evie will start pre-kindy in February, which she is super stoked about! I aim to walk to kindy & back with her each session (only once a week to start, but once she turns four it will be a few times a week). Exercise is not really my friend, but this walk (five minutes each way) seems like a great place to start!

- Roger & I have our nine year anniversary tomorrow, I know, where has the time gone! I'd like to work on our marriage a bit this year; have fun & excitement, plan some date nights & keep it sexy (ha! hope that's not too much information!)


  1. I'm so excited for what this year will bring for you- you've got some great and achievable plans for the year, good on you!! And how exciting for Evie with her first year entering kindy!! (and perfect "respite" time for you and new bub) xx

  2. thanks Kate, I should probably put a copy of the resolutions on the fridge so I don't forget about them! and yes, I'm hoping that kindy will provide some nap times for me!


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