Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Two months old

Sorry I haven't been around much lately, it's the usual stuff - two exhausting children (!), lack of mojo & Roger's been busy & away with work. But time still marches on!

Here's some pics I took of Dex to document two months of growth!

ha, so unstyled! (messy cabinet, naked child)

Dex is so much more alert & awake at two months. He loves to have smiley chats with me, cooing all the while. He started rolling front-to-back at eight weeks too (help! my hyperactive Evie took three-and-a-half months to roll, what am I in for??) Dex still isn't keen on sleeping much during the day, catnaps are all I get, but he is still a very settled night baby which gets me through!

Dexter's one months photos are here.

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