I've discovered Occasional Care. A local kindy runs a program where Evie can go for one morning or afternoon a week to play with kindy kids (and it only costs me $5)! Evie is a very sociable, energetic girl and has been really excited about going. I took a photo of her all kitted out & ready (she didn't want to pose nicely for the camera, she was quite worried about photos making her late!)
I can't believe she isn't yet 3 (only a few weeks) she seems to be growing up so quickly!! I plan on having a lovely quiet sewing morning before I pick up my cheeky girl!
What are you up to??
A shop I think you would love:
Went there over the weekend and saw the most gorgeous homewares and dresses for kids (wanted to buy one for evie's b'day but it cost too much!!)...
Sounds like Evie is enjoying occassional care :)