Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Family fun time

ha! I'm so obsessive. I haven't been here much this past week because I've been wrapping myself up in projects. I decided yesterday that I 'had' to make myself a new baby sling, so that's all I could focus on. At 5pm I realised I hadn't fed the baby yet (who was being babysit by his sister!) and the house was a mess - oops! Does anyone else get that 'project fever'?

Anyway, that's not really what I'm here to share about!

We're doing a new thing with Evie involving beads. We have a jar & everytime Evie is polite, helpful or listening she gets a bead in the jar, and when she's the opposite they're taken out. It's actually working quite well! (I got the idea from here). We picked up 60 wooden beads from our local cheap-shop & spent some time painting them, which was quite fun!

As you can imagine it's taken quite a while to earn 60 beads, but Evie did it over the weekend! I'm trying not to reward good behaviour with food, so instead we took Evie to Glenelg for a ride on the Ferris Wheel & Merry-go-round. It was a really lovely afternoon out! (Of course we worked some coffee & sweet treats into our family date too!)


  1. Such nice pictures! Looks like you all had fun. And the bead idea sounds great. x

    1. thanks Jen. I'm glad we discovered the bead idea, finally found something that works!

  2. That is a good idea, maybe we will steal it for our Little Miss.

    1. as the treat at the end we've also offered to buy an ipad game or go on rides at the show :)


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